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Child Abuse does happen in Warwickshire - it is important that we all notice things!

The members of staff who are the Designated Leads for Safeguarding are

Karen Hanson(Head teacher) and Lisa Fletcher (Deputy Head teacher) Sarah Downes (Assistant Headteacher)

The Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Gavin Mason.

You can contact Mrs Hanson via a private message on Dojo if you are a parent or via email at


Warwickshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) now known as The Integrated Front Door is a team made up of different agencies and partners working together to keep children and young people safeguarded from harm, receiving the services they need at the right time, effectively and efficiently.


If you have a safeguarding concern about a child or young person please call :

01926414144 8.30am-5.00pm Monday-Thursday, 8.30am -5.00pm Friday


In an emergency outside of these hours telephone:

The Social Care Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 01926 886922

Child Abuse does happen in Warwickshire - it is important

that we all notice things!

The Designated Person for Child Protection at Kingsbury Primary School is Mrs K Hanson(Headteacher). The Deputy Designated Persons are  Miss L Fletcher (Deputy Headteacher) Mrs S Downes (Assistant Headteacher) Mr Smeaton is the governor with responsibility for safeguarding.


Warwickshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a team made up of different agencies and partners working together to keep children and young people safeguarded from harm, receiving the services they need at the right time, effectively and efficiently.

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child or young person please call the MASH:

01926414144 8.30am-5.00pm Monday-Thursday, 8.30am -5.00pm Friday


In an emergency outside of these hours telephone:

The Social Care Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 01926 886922

Schools must provide a safe environment and take action to identify and protect any children who are at risk of significant harm.

At Kingsbury Primary School, we aim to make safeguarding a priority across all aspects of our work,   this includes:


  • Vetting procedures in accordance with national guidelines for staff and other adults coming into school regularly.
  • Safeguarding policies and procedures compliant with statutory requirements.
  • Good relationships with other agencies.
  • Child Protection arrangements so everyone knows who they can talk to if they are worried.
  • Effective communication and up-to-date information.
  • Training for staff.
  • Arrangements for site security and health and safety that are understood and applied by staff and pupils.
  • A curriculum that engages pupils, teaching children how to stay safe and take responsibility, we are a Taking Care school.
  • Respectful behaviour to foster an environment where everyone feels secure.
  • Monitoring of attendance to ensure all are safe.



Safeguarding Children is Everyone’s Concern.

We take keeping children safe very seriously. As part of this we are a ‘Protective Behaviours’ school.

This  project aims to improve the safety and well being of children in Warwickshire by teaching them to keep themselves safer in a variety of situations. It is a safety awareness and resilience building programme which helps children and adults to recognise any situation where they feel worried or unsafe, such as feeling stressed, bullied or threatened and explores practical ways to keep safe. Protective Behaviours also looks at identifying support networks for times when we need someone to listen and help. 

Protective Behaviours is based on two key messages:

  • We All have the Right to Feel Safe all of the Time
  • We can talk with Someone about Anything, even if it feels awful or small


Protective Behaviours is a practical down to earth approach to personal safety. It is a process that encourages self-empowerment and brings with it the skills to raise self-esteem and to help avoid being victimised. This is achieved by helping individuals to recognise and trust their intuitive feelings (Early Warning Signs) and to develop strategies for self-protection. Children are taught about the dangers of keeping secrets.



The Protective Behaviours process encourages an adventurous approach to life that satisfies the need for fun and excitement without violence and fear. This approach works alongside the SRE 'All About Me' Curriculum which you can read more about under Curriculum- PSHE.


The NSPCC visited school and worked with all our children on their 'Speak out, Stay Safe' project which reinforces the message we teach through Protective Behaviours throughout the year. 

Staying safe is about so many different aspects, there is an e-safety section on this website and below you will find links to other areas that we develop in school but can also be shared at home.

Children Missing in Education

At Kingsbury Primary we take the safeguarding of all pupils really  seriously. If a child is not in school it is the parents responsibility to call school to let them know why.  If we do not receive that call we do call home and require a reason. Parents are required to give school at least two emergency contact numbers. Children missing without reason for several days are a concern and would be followed up with calls and home visits if needed. When a child moves school they have a unique pupil number that goes with them. When a child is enrolled in a new school that school contact us to share the number and other information. This means that should a child leave our school without following the procedures and not be enrolled in a new school they will stay on our roll and we would be contacting the local authority to register this child as missing.

As the nights draw in, it is starting to get dark earlier and earlier. It is really important that children can be clearly seen by motorists and cyclists to keep them as safe as possible when they are walking to and from school, or out playing. There are lots of small reflectors, reflective strip stickers or snap bands for wrists and ankles which can all help children to be seen clearly.

Below are a couple of websites where you can find more information about 'Be Safe, Be Seen'. We would recommend that you explore the websites yourself first before sharing it with your child so you can pick out bits which you feel are the most appropriate.



Once again, Bonfire Night is nearly upon us. It is such a wonderful time to have fun but we want all our families to keep safe at this time. Therefore, it is very important to follow firework safety guidelines as this will help you to make careful choices, be safe and still have great fun.








Be Safe on Bonfire Night

Never play with fireworks - They are explosives and can hurt you.

Always keep fireworks in a closed box and always follow the instructions on the box.

Only adults should light or hold fireworks.

When you are watching fireworks stand well back.

Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn’t gone off, it could still explode.

Fireworks will frighten your pets, so keep your pets safely indoors.

If you are given a sparkler:

Always wear gloves. Hold it at arm’s length. When your sparkler goes out, DON’T TOUCH IT. It could still burn you, so put it in a bucket of water.


Never let off fireworks in public places such as streets or parks. 


For further advice about firework and bonfire safety, there are many websites. The website link below does provide some additional safety information.

For your information

Legislation came out on October 1st 2015 regarding smoking in enclosed vehicles. The legislation states (


It is illegal to smoke in a car (or other vehicle) with anyone under 18. The law changed on 1 October 2015, to protect children and young people from the dangers of second hand smoke.

Both the driver and the smoker could be fined £50. The law applies to every driver in England and Wales, including those aged 17 and those with a provisional driving licence.

The law applies:

  • to any private vehicle that is enclosed wholly or partly by a roof
  • when people have the windows or sunroof open, or the air conditioning on
  • when someone sits smoking in the open doorway of a vehicle