Our Curriculum
We work very hard to make cross curricular links between subjects to give a real purpose to the learning in school. Where possible we also link to the 'outside world' for example work on democracy and voting at the time of the General Election, a focus on the Olympics and Greece during a term when the Olympics take place. We also have a strong emphasis on using quality texts during our English lessons which we try to link to our other subjects where possible.
If you wish to know more about the curriculum being taught in school after reading the documents shared on the website talk to your child's class teacher. The class teacher can explain in more detail what is being taught during the school day and how this is taught.
Kingsbury Primary School Curriculum Intent
At Kingsbury Primary School our curriculum is designed to enable ALL pupils to ‘REACH for the STARS’. We support all pupils to become confident, happy learners with high aspirations. Pupils have access to equitable experiences including a range of quality texts, which support children to gain first hand knowledge and develop a varied vocabulary. It is important that we celebrate both our local community, whilst at the same time looking further afield at the wider world.
All the learners at Kingsbury try hard to use all the 5Rs as learning skills. These are represented by five bear characters.
Relationship Rango is all about children being able to work both co-operatively in groups and independently alone.
Risk Taking Ria is all about pushing yourselves to try things you find challenging and difficult
Resourceful Rusty is about using a range of resources to support your learning, often we talk about the 4Bs- your brain, bits and bobs (equipment in the room ) your buddy all before the boss (the adult in class)
Resilient Rita which is all about persevering, ie not giving up however hard the task is.
Reflective Riley which is all about encouraging learners to look at their work, check it through and edit.
We aim to ensure all learners are responsible for managing their own learning and assessment. Children should be able to talk about themselves as learners and know how they can further improve.
We encourage learners to be thinking What am I learning? Is this new learning or am I consolidating something I already know? They use the process success criteria created in lessons to help them achieve the learning intention. The success criteria act as a good checklist to ensure learners are on track. At the end of a lesson learners are encouraged to reflect and to be thinking about how they can improve next time or move on.
Children are reminded that mistakes are positives in terms of learning and that we can all learn from them.
We aim for learners to be independent so use the 4Bs in class this means that they use their buddys, their brains, the bits and bobs( the many resources available on tables and walls, including those success criteria ) before they go to the boss for help!