Art and Design provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual thoughts and ideas both independently and collaboratively. The curriculum has appropriate subject knowledge, vocabulary use, skills and understanding to explore and investigate, create and evaluate artwork as set out in the National Curriculum.
All about Art at KPS
Generally blocks of work are covered at least every term, sometimes every half term. Work is structured to cover a range of skills across the two year rolling program.
Planning and progression of skills is based on Chris Quigley’s Skills Based Curriculum and a Twinkl overview of skills covered in each phase. Each unit of work ensures that different NC attainment targets are covered.
Progression is outlined in each unit and often builds on skills taught in previous years. New skills are introduced while others are developed and consolidated.
The units are based on: sculpture, painting, printing, photography and computing. Focused practical tasks are key to development and need to be covered before any ‘final piece work’ when teaching the units. Drawing should be taught in each of the units. Please check with Art subject leader, presently Ellie, to ensure key skills are covered. Art links to planned topics where suitable to allow for cross curricular links.
While the work may be covered in a block, it is important that there is coverage of key skills, which lends itself to individual lessons over a number of days (or weeks).
Some Art sessions may be linked to specific celebrations or events, such as poetry focus work, Book weeks, Bonfire Night, Christmas, Diwali or Remembrance Day. These lessons may be planned at the teacher’s discretion.
New staff are supported by staff already in phase. Plans are accessible within the school shared folders. Subject leader is always on hand to elaborate, model and provide tips.
Differentiation is by outcome in art. All children are taught the same skills and individual support and challenge is provided where necessary.
Vocabulary and key learning objectives are developed and recorded through Knowledge Organisers as well as being delivered in class.
EYFS follows a plan and is linked topic work covered. Emphasis is on developing gross and fine motor skills and exploration of a range of materials and tools. Evidence is available on the Tapestry.
From KS1, children will have a plain sketchbook in which to explore and annotate their ideas. These should be working books with pieces stuck in, worked over and ideas jotted down. These books are passed up to the next class and worked on until full.
In Foundation Stage, children will record work in a number of ways to fit the Early Learning Goals.
Home Learning links
The Artful Parent - Good, free art activities
Red Ted Art - Easy arts and crafts for little ones
The Imagination Tree - Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.
How to draw on Youtube
Art for kids - how to draw