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Attendance and Punctuality

We aim for all children to have at least 96% attendance.

Being at school every day and arriving on time is essential to ensure that your child makes the best progress that they can.


Attending school every day = 100% attendance.

Attending 4½ days a week = 90% attendance = 4 weeks missed per year.

Attending 4 days a week = 80% attendance = more than half a term missed per year.

Attending 3½ days each week = 70% attendance = more than a quarter of the school year missed.

An average attendance of 80% or less across a child’s school career adds up to missing a whole 2 years from school.

Being late for school reduces learning time.

If your child is 5 minutes late every day they will miss three days of learning each year.

If your child is 15 minutes late every day they will miss 2 weeks of learning each year.


Make every minute count.


You have a legal obligation to make sure that your child attends school.

There are two types of absence:

• Authorised – This is where the school can approve the absence.

• Unauthorised – Where the school will not approve absence.


The school expectations are:-

• That pupils will attend regularly and, if absent for any reason will inform the school of the cause. A telephone call on the morning of absence is required.

• That pupils will enter school between 8.45 and 8.55am for registration at 8.55am.

• That pupils will not leave the school site during the day without permission and without being accompanied by an authorised adult.

• If you collect your child during the day, please sign the register in at the office so we are aware of who is remaining in the building.



What can parents do to help?

• Let the school office know on the morning that your child is away.

•  Try to make appointments outside school time.

• Arrive before school begins (8.45-8.55am) so your child doesn’t have to walk into class after everyone else and is ready to start work at 8.55.

• By arriving on time you also help us with being able to provide the Dinner numbers for the staff in the kitchen.

• If you arrive after 8.55am, then you must report to the office.


Leave of Absence


The Government issued new regulations in September 2013 regarding Leave of Absence; The Education (Pupil Regulations) (England) Regulations 2006 as amended by Education (Pupil Regulations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013


Head teachers shall not grant any Leave of Absence during term time unless they consider there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.


Parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term time.  Any application for leave must establish that there are exceptional circumstances and the Head Teacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.


Head Teachers will determine how many school days a child may be absent from school if the leave is granted.


The school can only consider applications for Leave of Absence which are made by the resident parent. i.e the parent with whom the child normally resides.


Applications for Leave of Absence must be made in advance and failure to do so will result in the absence being unauthorised which may result in legal action against the parent, by Fixed Penalty Notice.


Applications for Leave of Absence which are made in advance and refused will result in the absence being unauthorised which may result in legal action against the parent, by Fixed Penalty Notice, if the child is absent from school during that period.


If a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued and is not paid within the time frame set out in that Notice, the matter will be referred to Warwickshire County Council’s Legal Services to consider instigating criminal prosecution proceedings under S444 of Education Act 1996.



Each application for a Leave of Absence will be considered on a case by case basis and on its own merits.

Application forms must be completed along with a covering letter explaining the exceptional circumstances. Forms can be collected from the school’s office.

All requests will be confirmed by letter either agreeing or disagreeing with the request ( – please note that these are legal documents that the school must send out in reply to any request).




Parents can expect:-

• That the school keeps a daily attendance record and will inform parents if the pattern of attendance is causing concern.

• That the school will acknowledge excellent attendance and punctuality.

Registration and possible actions to be taken where there is cause for concern:-

• We need to keep a very close check on lateness and how this is recorded in our

registers. It is really important that pupils are in school for the start of the day so

that they do not miss the introduction to lessons. The doors open at 8:45 and close at 8:55am, arrival after this time has to be via the office. A reason will need to be provided by leaving a message with the School Secretary, this will be recorded in our late book. These pupils will be recorded as late in the register. At 9.15am the registers will officially close. This means that a child arriving later than this will be marked absent for the start of the day. We are required to keep accurate records of lateness/absence and whether or not this is authorised. Should there be an unavoidable delay, e.g. a traffic delay, the Headteacher has the discretion to extend the registration period.

• Where a child is late for school on three occasions in a month, parents will be notified in writing, Regular lateness will be recorded on the pupil’s file and may be included as a comment in any future reference.

• Where a child receives a punctuality letter 2 months in a row or for three non consecutive months that letter will be asking the parent to come into school to meet the headteacher

• Where punctuality does not improve the school may take advice from the local authority.

• Monthly attendance checks will be carried out to check for children whose

attendance is falling below 90%. A letter will be sent home explaining our concern and attendance procedures Parents will be informed that we will be monitoring attendance and will be given the opportunity to discuss matters with the Head teacher if needed.


In addition as the government have moved the persistent absence figure from below 85% to below 90% we now also monitor those who had an attendance issue in the previous year and have an attendance figure below 92% during the Autumn term or from Spring term those whose attendance is below 92%. We do this to work with families to ensure they do not fall into the persistent absence category. A letter will be sent home explaining our concern and attendance procedures. Parents will be informed that we will be monitoring attendance and will be given the opportunity to discuss matters with the Head teacher if needed




New Sept 24 guidance on Penalty Notice Regulations
