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“The more that you read, the more things that you’ll know.
The more that you learn, the more places that you’ll go” Dr. Seuss

Our Reading Culture

  • At Kingsbury Primary School we are creating an environment where reading is championed, valued, respected, and encouraged. Reading lies at the heart of our curriculum, and it is of the upmost importance to our children’s personal, social, and academic success, as well as their general wellbeing.
  • We believe every pupil, parent, carer, and staff member in the school community needs to view reading as a significant and enjoyable activity. Essentially we support and encourage parents and carers in the home environment to also foster a love of reading.
  • Within our reading culture, children are encouraged to read of their own free will, on a regular basis. Pupils select their own reading for pleasure material, at a time and place of their choosing. They are willing and active participants, who anticipate the satisfaction they’ll get from picking up a book.
  • To make sure children don’t experience reading difficulty and demotivation, we are ensuring students become fluent and engaged readers from an early age through our adoption of the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics scheme with Reading Practice Sessions and hand in hand with this the support of parents/ carers  hearing their children read at home.



At Kingsbury Primary School we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. We aim to inspire an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage and develop a habit of reading widely and often. A curriculum which has reading at its core across all curriculum areas. Through choosing quality texts and allowing children to recognise the pleasure they can get from their reading, as well as an understanding that reading allows them to discover new knowledge, revisit prior knowledge and understand more about what they learn, fuelling their imagination for ideas to use in their own work.

 We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and are able to adapt their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. We want pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and be able to spell new words by effectively applying their knowledge of spelling patterns and rules. We believe that all good writers refine and edit their writing over time, so we want children to develop independence in being able to identify their own areas for improvement.  We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and who can use discussion to communicate and further their learning.
We believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge-base in English, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the primary curriculum. We believe that a secure basis in literacy skills is crucial to a high quality education and will give our children the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society.


Implementation                                                                                                      English lessons are based around a text throughout the whole school. The text often is linked to the present topic (usually linked to history/geography/science). The text could be one of the Spine books (each year group has a box of Spine books) or another text that will successfully link to the topic – new and exciting books are always emerging so we are flexible and welcome the introduction of new texts to our curriculum. Reading and writing skills are taught through the text that is used to drive the learning. This includes grammar, punctuation and spelling, and developing writing skills to enable the children to write successfully across different genres. 

Some English sessions may use a stand-alone text but it is not expected that this would be the norm. It may be that extracts are sometimes used for comprehension work and GPS. 


English is taught every day with the children writing every day be it in English or another curriculum area.  In any particular week, there will be evidence of extended pieces of writing being done across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Reception complete a piece of work in a Literacy book once a fortnight from the beginning of the year. 


Throughout school: 

Reception – Writing book

Red Curriculum Books –English / Cross Curricular work/writing

Yellow English Skills – GPS stand alone, phonics(KS1), FAST Spelling, handwriting, word of the day         

Purple Reading Journal – (not EYFS) Comprehensions, responses to reading in form of book reviews, character studies, predictions  (If any of these are linked to topic they will be in Curriculum books)




In Reception and Year 1 (Y2 who need to retake the phonics screen), phonics is taught every day for between 15 and 25 minutes dependent on age, outside of the English lesson (Key Stage 1). Staff use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised lesson plans and resources to ensure a systematic approach to phonics which is consistent in approach across the school.  Teachers monitor closely to see who is falling behind so that intervention can take place the same day to ensure the children catch up. More formal assessments take place during and at the end of each half term. The assessments help us to assess progress and also to pinpoint those needing further catch up and support. They also enable us to ensure children’s learning to read book is closely matched to their secure phonetic knowledge. 

Little Wandle Fluency books are read in Year 2 and Year 3 when the children are reading Phase 5 fluently and are ready to progress.

Children take part in Reading Practice sessions – focusing on Decoding – Monday, Prosody –Tuesday and Comprehension – Wednesday. The children take their Reading Practice Book home each night, handing their book in each week and are expected to be heard every day by an adult at home. If this is not possible - a minimum requirement is to be heard 3 times a week.  Adults at home initial and date Reading diaries. Teachers check Reading diaries regularly and ensure children, who are not being heard at home, are being heard at school in addition to Reading Practice sessions. Teachers ensure that the lowest 20% readers have extra individual reading too. We run the Star Reader scheme –  children who read, at home, at least 3 times each week receive 3 dojos as well as a sticker. Certificates motivate the children once they have achieved 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 weeks of reading regularly at home - at least 3 times each week.

Comprehension is worked on in English lessons, Reading Practice sessions and individual reading sessions.


Reading for Pleasure 

Reading for Pleasure is celebrated throughout school with displays featuring hot air balloons to show the children that books can carry them away and take them to many places.

 Children in Key Stage 1/ EYFS also take home a Sharing Book – children’s own choice book to share with an adult at home for pleasure. The adult reads this to the child or they look at it together. There is no expectation that the children should be able to read the Sharing Book independently. They can keep this book at home for a week. Books are celebrated in the Reading Corners of each class. 

Teachers read stories/novels each day to their classes for pure pleasure too.

Teachers also share a poem/ nursery rhyme/song a day. 

Children are encouraged to Big Up A Book and recommend reads to their peers to show their own joy in sharing a book they love.




In Y3 comprehension is worked on in English lessons, Reading Practice sessions and individual reading sessions. Children in Y3 continue to have Reading Practice sessions and children throughout KS2 who are not yet fluent in their phonic knowledge, have regular phonics and Reading Practice sessions too with a focus on phonics. Teachers in Y3 ensure they have liaised with Y2 teachers and have Phonics screen results and Key Stage 1 SATS results/ papers to help them assess reading and ensure the children who need extra phonics are picked up immediately. Little Wandle Rapid Phonics  assessments and sessions are used. 

Children to continue to have a “home-reader” in Y3/4 using the Little Wandle Fluency chapter books if relevant. Free readers can continue to choose a Big Cat book or an age -related book and a library book. A minimum requirement is to be heard 3 times a week, at home.  Adults at home to initial and date Reading diaries. Teachers  check Reading diaries regularly and ensure children, who are not being heard at home, are being heard at school in addition to any Reading Practice /whole class reading sessions. The Star Reader scheme – children who read at home, at least 3 times each week - receive 3 dojos. Certificates continue to motivate children when they have achieved 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 weeks of reading three times a week at home. 


Children in Y5 and Y6 choose an age-related book from the Y5/6 corridor. The book  remains in school. The children will record their daily reading in school in their reading diary which is also taken home each night to record their home reading.  Children in Y5/6 who are reading below ARE have a Big Cat book to read to a designated adult and also complete comprehension cards. These children read in school on a regular basis to an adult.


Y5 and Y6 need to bring in their diary every day and each Wednesday their reading at home will be checked by their teacher. If this is completed at least 3 times each week, the child will receive 3 dojos. Certificates are presented to motivate the children when they have  6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 weeks worth of reading.  

In Key Stage 2 comprehension is taught in various ways such as in our English sessions based on the text we are studying. However extra sessions are also included in our English curriculum.

Y3 comprehension work is included in the Reading Practice sessions.

In Y4, 5 and 6 stand-alone comprehension lessons are being taught through 3 Guided Reading sessions each week.  Extracts from elsewhere linked to topics are also used. Y6 use past SATS papers too and CGP resources to teach comprehension skills.



Reading for Pleasure

A class novel and a poem is read daily for at least 10 minutes, in addition to the text being used to drive the topic.

All classes Big-Up A Book regularly, where individual children bring in a book from home or a library book to share with their class mates and give a personal response to show their own joy in sharing a book they love.

All Key Stage 2 classes have access to the school library so that the children are able to choose a book of their choice to take home and read for their own pleasure. Teachers  keep a record and ensure children are encouraged to return books as they would to a public library.

Pupil librarians are on duty 1pm to 1:10pm daily.

In Y5/6 the children are actively encouraged to read widely out of school for pleasure – library books, own books, newspapers, magazines and e-books. 

Children to read their own book for 10 mins at least 3 times a week in class.



Reception and Year 1

High frequency and Common Exception Words are learned as well as words formed from patterns being learned in phonics. Teachers are aware of these words when marking writing and ensure children are given time to rewrite these words 5 times underneath their work. These words are tracked and it is intended that they are spelled correctly in the next piece of work. If the words are not correctly spelled, teachers will ensure this is addressed. Individual word lists are sent home for the children to learn to read initially and then spell. The  FAST SPELLING technique is used to work on words linked to Phonics in class. Teacher to write out words for the children to copy 8 times below. Give 10 mins maximum for this task – build up to 3 times each week. (Reception introduce this in Summer term).

 Year 2 follow The Little Wandle Spelling Programme.

 Key Stage 2

Classes follow the No Nonsense Spelling programme which follows the National Curriculum and gives a progression of spelling skills to ensure continuity and consistency in this area. FAST SPELLING continues to be used based on the spelling patterns worked on or the National Curriculum word lists for the specific year group. The children write each word out correctly 8 times as quickly as they can.


Children learn words they are misspelling in their work by writing out 5 x below work. The words have been identified by the teacher/child and underlined in green pen. These words are written in the space in their Reading diary/ book mark and sent home each week. Exceptional spellers have words from the NC word lists. 

In all year groups dictations are used to check spelling knowledge.



A range of narrative and non-narrative writing is taught each half term as well as poetry. Each year group has genres assigned to them to work on each year. 

Story-Telling is used regularly in EYFS, KS1 and lower KS2 to develop oral storytelling and then writing.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) skills are taught as an integral part of English using the high quality texts as models. GPS is also taught in stand alone lessons. 

Green pen editing and revising is being developed in each class. Slips of green paper are used for children to improve sections of work as this is an expectation of greater depth writers.

Vocabulary Ninja – Word of the Day – is used across school to help to widen the children’s knowledge and understanding of words which helps to develop spoken language as well as their reading and writing. 



We use the Nelson Handwriting scheme throughout school which gives us a progression of handwriting skills from the formation of letters to the first joins through to choices made whether to join letters or not. Teachers use the Nelson font for worksheets, displays and interactive whiteboard work. The font is also used for FAST SPELLING sheets. The alphabet is displayed in each class using the Nelson font. 


SEND in English 

In English, teachers plan to ensure that all children are working towards the same objectives.  children are supported in many ways to achieve this. Teachers ensure that SMART targets are integrated into the English work if appropriate. Visual timetables and visual steps may be used. 

 Work is often modelled and scaffolded with writing frames and questions by teachers and TAs to enable children to access it. 

Where possible pre teaching activities  enable children with SEND more time to process the learning. Visual word mats, word cards and printed notes are utilised too. Work is broken down into smaller, workable steps so that the children with SEND achieve in English. 

Being given the opportunity to use ICT to help them capture ideas and using chrome books to enable them to use more complex words in their work is also used if appropriate. 

Children with SEND are also given the opportunity as are all children for paired talk before and during activities such as shared reading/ writing. This gives pupils the opportunity to reflect on and discuss ideas. This also gives them the opportunity to rehearse what they may wish to say back in a whole class discussion. 

In drama, teachers explore non-verbal as well as verbal communication, and make use of drama techniques, such as mime, mirroring or tableau (which require no words), or soundscapes (which require no physical movement) in order to ensure all children are involved and feel integrated into the activity.



Children in Reception and Y1 are formally assessed every 6 weeks in the Little Wandle scheme to check progress in phonics. Children not progressing are identified on a daily basis and given daily keep up or Rapid phonics.

We have Reading and Writing assessment grids for each year group that teachers access on a weekly basis and pinpoint those children who are not keeping up. Teachers can then plan to revisit objectives that are not being picked up easily. 

Reception assess at the end of each half term where the children are now, against Development Matters. At the end of the summer, children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals – word reading, comprehension and writing.

Each year group records assessment for reading and writing on O Track each half term.

Y1 take the phonics screen each June and Y6 take statutory tests in May. 



Children leave Kingsbury Primary School as happy, confident learners who have developed a love of reading, writing and spoken language with the key skills and knowledge necessary for the next stage of their learning.  They have high aspirations and are confident in the art of speaking and listening, able to successfully use discussion to communicate and further their learning.  

  • Pupils enjoy reading and writing across a range of genres.
  • Pupils enjoy reading regularly, for information and for enjoyment.
  • Pupils discuss books with excitement and interest.
  • Pupils enjoy writing and use the features of different genres and styles.
  • Pupils can confidently write for different purposes and audiences.
  • Pupils have a wide vocabulary that they use within their writing.
  • Pupils have a good knowledge of how to adapt their writing based on the context and audience.
  • Pupils leave primary school being able to effectively apply spelling rules and patterns they have been taught.
  • Parents and carers will have a good understanding of how they can support pupils’ reading development at home.
  • Parents and carers will have a good understanding of how they can support spelling, grammar and composition and home.
  • The % of pupils working at ARE within each year group will be at least in line with national averages.
  • The % of pupils working at Greater Depth within each year group will be at least in line with national averages.
  • There will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).



Extra Information about Phonics

We provide Phonics Awareness workshops in Reception and Y1 to support parents/carers and provide them with information and activities to help their child at home. Year one pupils are formally assessed by an unseen government test -Phonics Screen and results are reported to parents. It is a decoding test using ‘real and non-real’ words.

This way of teaching phonics is sometimes referred to as  Synthetic Phonics. Synthetic phonics is the breaking down of words into their separate sound components known as phonemes. Phonemes can consist of more than one letter for example ch, oo, er, igh etc.

In our teaching we discuss elements such as:


Digraphs: these are two letters making a single sound eg: ar, ee, ou etc.
Trigraphs are three letters making a single sound eg: igh.
A grapheme is a phoneme written down.


Segmenting is where you break each word into its separate phoneme, for example ‘chop’ has 3 phonemes, ch/o/p. Blending is simply putting those sounds back together to form a word.

Some words in the English language cannot be broken down into separate phonemes. These words are known as tricky words and we teach the children to be able to read and know the whole word, for example, ‘said’ or ‘what’.




Some useful links for parents below.

Articulation of Phonemes

A useful video clip showing the correct 'pure' pronounciation of phonemes (units of sound).

Reading resources

Oxford Owl for Home - Free eBooks library

Lots of free resources for Primary age

Listen to a story:
Storyline is an online story telling website featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations

Oliver Jeffers read some of his brilliant books!


World Book Online - Lots of fabulous books to read for free, including non fiction.


Audible - Lots of stories to listen to.


BBC- Classics read aloud.


Some David Walliams stories, read aloud.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling is high on the National Agenda for education. Parents often ask for advice about the grammar elements. The link below has many useful parts.


Create a story - Stuck for ideas? 


Or maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to make up a story  


Try making a funny story with your child using this co-operative method shown on Youtube


Alan Peat exciting sentences app for iphones and ipads


Authorfy For a daily dose of creativity and fun, check out our Authorfy '10 Minute Challenges', which are set by bestselling authors and illustrators - we add a new challenge to this page every single day! For more author videos and free resources, check out our 'classroom' page.


The Reading Realm – Home learning packs


Fairy tales

Creative writing
