At Kingsbury Primary School, our Religious Education curriculum intent is to explore different religious beliefs, values, traditions and practices that are followed in our countries multi-cultural society, as Kingsbury is a small, predominantly white British community it is important to ensure our children have a wider world view of the different cultures and faiths that they may not have encountered in person before.
We want our pupils to become literate and articulate about religions and beliefs, and to be thoughtful members of society who are able to make informed choices about how they want to live their lives whilst also understanding more about the faith of other people they meet.
Implementation of RE
We have been using the new joint Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2017 to our school since its introduction in 2017. This agreed syllabus enables pupils through RE to develop their knowledge and skills to prepare them for life in a modern, diverse Britain and the wider world. It is structured so that pupils are challenged to think rigorously and creatively, to make informed judgements and to understand that it is acceptable to have doubts and to disagree in a reasoned and sensitive way. In the process they can examine and reflect upon a range of questions about spirituality and identity, morality, values and commitments.
• A two year rolling programme is followed in KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2. Reception is taught as a stand-alone year group.
• Objectives are taken from the Warwickshire and Coventry agreed syllabus for Religious Education, SACRE, and planned carefully to ensure progression of skills and knowledge across school.
• Discrete lessons are spread throughout the course of the year, interspersed with acknowledging different religious festivals and significant days through assemblies, themed days and in-class conversations.
• Learning is built on children's prior learning and encouraging children to share their religious beliefs and experiences.
• Children are encouraged to ask perceptive questions.
• Enriching experiences are created through visiting places of worship or by having visitors in school to share religious experiences and practices.
• Use of religious symbols, ornaments and artefacts to enhance children’s
SACRE’s expectation of what should be taught to pupils across Coventry and Warwickshire
• Pupils will encounter Christianity and other faiths, as part of their growing sense of self, their own community and their place within it.
Key Stage 1
• Pupils will gain an understanding of all the six principal religions and recognise that many people hold secular (non-religious) views. Particular focus should be given to Christianity and two other religions chosen from Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Pupils should develop an understanding of the role of religion in encouraging forgiveness, bridge building and reconciliation.
Key Stage 2
• Pupils will develop a deeper understanding of all the six principal religions and appreciate that many people hold secular (non-religious) views. All six religions should be studied in this key stage but schools may choose to place greater emphasis on some, according to school community and work in previous key stage. Pupils might also look at religious groups and individuals who work to foster good moral behaviour and what it means to be ‘good’. There is also scope to explore the work of religious groups that encourage peace and forgiveness, and the role of Coventry Cathedral.